Metabolism is the chemical process of providing the body with energy. Food is the body’s main source of energy and the food people ingest has to be chemically broken down and distributed throughout the body to fuel the body’s operating systems. When the body slows this conversion process it can lead to diseases. Diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, and other related diseases are all conditions caused by a decline in the rate at which our body converts food into usable energy.
Metabolic rehabilitation is the process of recovering your metabolism to a healthier rate of food to energy conversion.
Some causes of a slowed or impaired metabolism: aging, stress, physical inactivity, overeating, undereating, genetics, an unhealthy immune system.
Metabolic Rehabilitation components:
- Weight management- weight management is an essential key to health. Getting to and staying at a healthy weight involves finding the right metabolic balance at every stage of managing your weight. When your weight changes, your energy needs and demands change with it. Knowing how to navigate these changes is healthy and effective weight management.
Benefits to weight management: improves overall quality of life, improves health outcomes related to preventable diseases, improves cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of chronic disease complications, maintains or improves overall health, reduces unwanted financial burdens, increases confidence in decision-making related to healthy behaviors.
- Diabetes management- Diabetes management is the process of managing your blood glucose levels well enough to keep them within a healthy range so you can avoid complications that come from chronically elevated blood sugar levels. This requires knowing how to manage your metabolism in conjunction with medication to maximize your health recovery process and minimize the negative effects of having uncontrolled diabetes. Rehabilitating your metabolic processes from diabetes includes: healthy eating, living actively, regular exercise, medication regimen adherence, healthy coping, regularly monitoring your blood levels, healthy stress management, regular in-person provider visits.
- HEALth Recovery- health recovery is the process in which a person improves or rehabilitates their current less than optimal health status related to cardiometabolic disease by consistently incorporating these key components: healthy eating, active living, regular exercise, medication adherence, and healthy stress management. If these components are learned and adopted as a lifestyle, your metabolic processes can be recovered to healthier levels.
- HEALth maintenance- health maintenance is the process of maintaining current health and preventing disease by including early interventions for those at increased risk based on risk factors that can be influenced and risk factors. This includes: risk assessments, health education programs designed to promote healthy lifestyles, regular health screenings, and healthy behavior counseling.