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Nutritional Tips for a Healthier You

A well-balanced diet can improve your quality of life and can simultaneously be your best defense against chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and hypertension. Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help keep your body be strong and more resilient. Our bodies are like machines, and the fuel we put into […]

How to Protect Your Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but you can take steps and develop healthy habits to protect your heart. A number of these steps and habits are simple lifestyle changes everyone can make. Below are the five most important habits you can practice in addition to building on an overall healthy […]

What isn’t diabetes?

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and we at H.E.A.L. Mississippi thought it would be fitting to share with you a little about what diabetes isn’t to make you more aware of what diabetes it is. Diabetes is a complex condition brought on by multiple factors not just one. The term “diabetes” as we all […]

Are You Really at Risk?

Info · Are You Really at Risk Audio2 Are you REALLY at risk of developing diabetes?   Contrary to popular belief, being an overweight/obese minority is not a main risk factor of developing diabetes, yet diabetes is publicly portrayed as a disease of overweight/obese minorities. Mainstream media ads like tv commercial ads, social media ads, […]

Confused by Conflicting Nutrition Advice?

Simple Tips to Plan, Enjoy, and Stick to a Healthy Diet Author: Kyskie Bolton RDN, MSN Nutrition advice can be confusing—one day you hear carbs are bad, and the next day, they’re the key to good health! One website may say a low-fat diet is the way to lose weight, and another will say fat […]

Make Every Moment Count

Easy Ways to Add Physical Activity to Your Daily Routine Author: Kyskie Bolton RDN, MSN Finding time to exercise can feel impossible when life is busy, but even small bursts of movement add up! You don’t need hours at the gym to benefit from physical activity. Here are simple ways to work movement into your […]

Diabetes Dictionary Word of the Month

Hyperglycemia A condition of excess glucose in the bloodstream. It can happen when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t use it properly. Hyperglycemia usually means you have Diabetes. If Hyperglycemia persists untreated for long periods of time, it can lead to nerve damage and also be life threatening.

Breast Cancer Survivors: We Admire You

Strength, perseverance, resilience, inspiring and other related superlatives all epitomize those who battle breast cancer. At H.E.A.L. Mississippi, our hearts are with you and we wanted to take a moment to honor you and express our gratitude to you. You are a hope and an inspiration to us all. A message from our Operations Director, […]

Supplements to Support Breast Health: Separating Fact from Fiction

By: Dr. LaFarra Young, MD October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s a great time to ask some important questions about our health. Many of us wonder whether the supplements we take are truly helping our bodies. There’s a lot of information out there about supplements, especially when it comes to breast cancer prevention. […]

Diabetes Dictionary Word of the Month

Glucose  A type of sugar that’s a major source of the body’s energy. The body can either make it or we can get it from food sources. When glucose is carried to the cells through the bloodstream, it’s known as blood glucose.