Pray Away Your High Blood Pressure Today!

A staple procedure when visiting a healthcare facility for any reason is a blood pressure check. It’s expected and probably the most highly anticipated procedure given it provides immediate results. More times than not it was high the last time it was checked. We know we haven’t done anything to improve the results, yet we still anticipate a healthy blood pressure range reading because we were advised during our last visit that if our blood pressure continues to be out of range, a diagnosis and prescription was coming.

The standard protocol for giving a hypertension (high blood pressure) diagnosis is two or more elevated readings in a healthcare setting on at least 2 different days. Depending on age and health status you may only have annual check-ups and you may have a primary care provider who isn’t too quick to pull the trigger on a high blood pressure diagnosis, but if you keep going in their office visit after visit with no improvements, you are going to receive some type of prescription. The move more, eat better, cut back on sodium, lose weight (if you are heavier) and reduce stress prescription normally comes before they give us an actual pharmaceutical prescription. Some Christians may decide to opt out of a diagnosis and prescription and attempt to pray their blood pressure back in range.

Healthy and unhealthy blood pressure ranges:

BLOOD PRESSURE CATEGORYSYSTOLIC mm Hg (upper number)and/orDIASTOLIC mm Hg (lower number)
ELEVATED120 – 129andLESS THAN 80
HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS (consult your doctor immediately)HIGHER THAN 180and/orHIGHER THAN 1

Yes, prayer works, and it can work in the instance of controlling our blood pressure but only if we know how to pray in relation to it. High blood pressure for the most part is a controllable health condition dictated by our lifestyle and adverse outcomes related to behavior can’t just be prayed away. Eating healthier, managing our weight, controlling our stress levels and increasing our physical activity levels are all valid lifestyle changes in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels but adopting these lifestyle changes can be difficult. Our body is still going to crave what it’s used to and consistently overcoming those desires is going to be easier said than done. Reducing sodium is going to be hard especially when you find out sodium is in everything except water. Managing stress is going to be hard when you have kids in activities, sports and other types of activities or for some just having kids in general is a constant stressor.

We need help overcoming ourselves and our natural desire to give in to behaviors that consistently cause our blood pressure levels to be elevated. Our prayers should be that God soften our hearts to His wisdom and strengthen us to act in obedience to His designed plan for our health and healing. Designing our health, healing and restoration is what He did for us. Acting in that wisdom is our responsibility. God’s wisdom is not always whispered in our ears, it’s sought out, acted on and developed. We at H.E.A.L. Mississippi can help you walk in God’s wisdom for your health and healing and we look forward to doing just that. Our mission is to serve Him in the capacity He has given us to serve Him and we are here to serve you. We are grateful for the opportunity!